August 2, 2008

Touched by the Light

At first glance, the upcoming paladin talent Touched by the Light looks incredible. Increasing health and threat by stacking just one stat? Yes please.

Unfortunately, I think this talent is not doing what it is supposed to do. I think it is meant to just be a healing talent, and that it will be changed to reflect this.

Tanking classes have had their threat talents rolled into basic class abilities. This means that tanking classes are able to tank, regardless of spec, which seems to be what Blizzard wants. So why give paladins another threat talent that only one spec could take?

I think this is just supposed to be a talent that will allow prot paladins to do some healing while in tank gear, and that the threat component is unintended. I expect it to be nerfed - that the talent will be changed to specify healing spellpower, or that paladins will only receive +spelldamage from their spellpower or their attack power (whichever is higher) but not both.

I hope I'm wrong, because I intend to take this talent regardless, and I'd like it to be the best it can be... but I can't shake the feeling that, at 80, it will just give us more threat than intended. It will be interesting to see what lvl 80 gear does for this talent...

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